Estonia leads the Baltic states in economic development. Prime Minister Tiit Vähi; tells us why
What do you see as Estonia's major achievements since independence from
the Soviet Union in 1991?
Estonia's major achievements since independence have been the country's
gradual move away from an authoritarian, centrally-planned society
towards one based on markets and liberal democracy. Of course, the
process has not been without its setbacks but, given our initial
position and compared with other transitional democracies, we have
every reason to be proud of what we have achieved.
Thus, in a society where only five or six years ago the state used to
call the tune in virtually every sphere of its citizens' lives, the
private sector now accounts for about two-thirds of GDP. Virtually all
large enterprises have been privatised, except for those in the
transport, telecommunications and energy sectors. Our privatisation
strategy has been based on the East German Treuhand model: most
firms have been sold through tenders and direct sales, with no
discrimination against foreign bidders. Important criteria for deciding
on bids have been viable business plans submitted by bidders, as well as
credible commitments to new capital investment. These criteria have
favoured strategic investors over management and employees.
What are the key challenges ahead?
As the pain of restructuring, which in the first years was mitigated by
an undervalued currency that made exports cheap and imports dear, has
become more acute, more and more critics question the
course of economic policy. In the last few months in particular, there
has been a conspicuous revival of interventionist and protectionist
opinion, which seems to subscribe to the naive view that it is possible
for a country to become rich by subsidising and protecting its economy.
If this argument has some validity for countries with big home markets -
and I am very sceptical that this is the case - it is definitely not
acceptable for a small economy like Estonia's, which is virtually
dependent on foreign trade and the competitive pressures that it brings
with it.
On the other hand, we see increasing regulatory ambitions coming from
certain parts of the bureaucracy. When combined, these two forces -
those who want regulation and those who are only too happy to provide
regulation - may become a serious threat to sound economic policy. Thus,
in the short term the biggest challenge lies in fighting off the
interventionists and sticking to the policy which may have failed to
make us rich overnight, but which has certainly saved us from the worst
possibilities of independence.
In the medium term, the government must tap the huge productivity
resources that have weathered the first post-reform years virtually
untouched in the form of an inefficient and wasteful public sector.
Currently, Estonia's public sector wage bill gobbles up almost 10 per
cent of GDP, in comparison with the roughly 5 per cent for an average
western European country. The only conclusion we can draw is that there
are far too many people working in the public sector. Thus, public
sector structural reform must become the highest priority on the
government's medium-term economic policy agenda.
What does Estonia offer foreign investors that other post-Soviet states
do not?
Estonia is one of the fastest-developing ex-Soviet countries. The
country enjoys an attractive geographical position, quite good
infrastructure, an educated and skilled workforce, low wages and energy
costs, a liberal economic regime and a stable banking system. In per
capita terms, Estonia has been the favoured target of foreign investors
among East European countries.
Estonia has been prone to political instability since independence - for
example, the resignation of the Foreign Minister last year. Why?
I don't agree. For example, Italy's governments change more frequently
than Estonia's, but nobody considers Italy politically unstable. Since
regaining independence in 1991, Estonia has had five governments, with
three Prime Ministers, and they have all kept more or less the same
political line - liberal economic policies, a stable currency and
efforts to become a full member of the EU and NATO.
How significant a political force are Estonia's nationalists?
Estonians account for around two-thirds of the country's 1.5 million
people. In certain regions, the over-industrialised north-east in
particular, Estonians are in the minority and have serious problems in
using their mother tongue. Estonia was occupied for 50 years and it is
only natural that in such conditions most Estonians consider it
extremely important to protect our language, culture and heritage. Thus,
Estonian nationalism is mostly driven by the need to protect our culture
and it is by no means destructive towards other nations and cultures in
Estonia. The peaceful character of Estonian nationalism was convincingly
demonstrated during the so-called 'Singing Revolution', when not a drop
of blood was shed.
Opinion polls show that nationalist parties do not enjoy much popular
support. The most radical of them are not even represented in
parliament. As for the significant part of those who are not Estonian
citizens, we have gone a long way to integrate them into our society. It
is much easier to get Estonian citizenship than it is to get citizenship
in most other countries. Choosing a citizenship can only be an act of
free will taken by an individual, not something given en bloc without
first asking whether or not a particular person wants to become a citizen of
Estonia, Russia or some third state.
Are you confident that Estonia will eventually gain admission to the EU?
Yes, I am convinced that it will. Estonia is already an associate
member, and we are working towards harmonising our legislation with EU
norms. There is a minister of European affairs in our government who
keeps an eye on everything that concerns European matters. We believe
that Estonia will be ready when the EU is ready to take us.
Given the country's history and the presence of many ethnic Russians,
relations with Russia are a key foreign policy issue. How do you view
the growing support for nationalist/communist groups there?
Estonia is of course interested in having normal relations with Russia.
We are willing to work with any legally-elected Russian government. It is in our interests, but also in the
interests of the whole of Europe, that Russia should continue with
democratic reforms. Estonia is ready to improve relations with Russia,
but this takes goodwill on both sides. Estonia has already ratified the
agreements on Russian troop withdrawal, and we are ready to accept the
current demarcation as our state border with only minor corrections. We
also signed a free-trade agreement with Russia in 1992. Although the
agreement has never been ratified, Estonia does not levy customs tariffs
on Russian goods, while Russia levies double duties on Estonian exports.
Has the loss of Russian markets had a significant impact on Estonia's
economic development?
On the one hand, the loss of Russian markets has undoubtedly dealt a
severe blow to the Estonian economy, and has caused the painful
restructuring that we are now going through. On the other hand, however,
the reorientation of trade towards the West would have been necessary
anyway, for both economic and security reasons. At the same time, we
would like, of course, to benefit from our location by playing the same
role for Russia as Hong Kong does for China - obviously, without paying
the same price in terms of our political independence. Our efforts to
shift trade westwards have been successful: trade with the West has
risen from 5 per cent of total trade in 1991 to more than 70 per cent
today. Russian trade, on the other hand, has been adversely affected
both by economic weakness at home and by Russian attempts to use trade
for political leverage. In the long term, however, and assuming that
some sort of modus vivendi can be achieved with Russia when the country
stabilises, Estonia might well benefit from its position as half-way
house between Russia and the West. Tallinn's ice-free ports are
well-placed to take advantage of this, and the transit trade has been
one of the biggest earners in recent years. Muuga, the largest
Tallinn-area port, was built less than ten years ago, and there are plans
for new dry bulk, container and oil terminals, which should further
enhance Tallinn's position.
Finally, where do you see Estonia at the turn of the century?
I hope to see Estonia as a small, well-developed, independent state, a
member of the EU, a bridge between the EU and the east and - perhaps - a
member of NATO.
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