Saint Lucia

January 23 - Nobel Laureate Day Nobel Laureate Week cultural activities will commence on the Monday of the week during which January 23 falls.
Saint Lucia's two Nobel Prize Winners (Sir Arthur Lewis for Economics and Honourable Derek Walcott, Literature, share the same birthday but in different years)
February 2 - Independence Anniversary Celebrations
February 10-11, 1997 - Carnival. The dates vary each year for Carnival is a pre-Lenten Festival in Saint Lucia.
Easter Monday

Cultural activities

May - Jazz Festival
End of July into August - National Arts Festival
August 1 - Anniversary of Emancipation Day
August 30 - Flower Festival of La Rose
October 17 - Flower Festival of La Marguerite October - Creole
Festival (involves participation of French Creole Speaking territories in the Caribbean - Haiti, Guadeloupe, Dominica, Martinique, Saint Lucia,) French Guyana, Trinidad
November 22 - Saint Cecilia's Day - Feast of Musicians
December 25 - Christmas Day
January 1-2 - New Years Day Street Fair