As the USA is a vast country and climate and time vary from east to west and north to south, please contact tourist board in the state you wish to visit for detailed information on this and sightseeing, local food, etc.

Offices of tourism and regional travel associations

America's Heartland, 7920 Ward Parkway, Kansas City, Missouri 64114, Phone: (816) 4441220, Fax: (816) 363 0027 e-mail: hrtlandaol.com Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma.

ALABAMA: Alabama Bureau of Tourism and Travel, PO Box 4927, Montgomery, Alabama 36103, Phone: (334) 242 4169, Fax: (334) 242 4554

ALASKA: Alaska Division of Tourism PO. Box 22623, Juneau, Alaska 9981 1, Phone: (907) 465 2010, Fax: (907) 465 2287 http://www.state.ak.us, e-mail: gonorth, commerce.state.ak.us.

AMERICAN SAMOA: American Samoa Office of Tourism, PO Box 1147, Pago Pago, American Samoa 96799, Phone: (684) 6331091, Fax: (684) 633 0194.

ARIZONA: Arizona Office of Tourism, 1100 West Washington Street, Phoenix, Arizona 85007, Phone: (602) 542 8687, Fax (602) 542 4068, http://www.arizonaguide.com.

ARKANSAS: Arkansas Division of Tourism, One Capitol Mall, Little Rock, Arkansas 72201, Phone: (501) 682 7777, Fax: (501) 6821364.

CALIFORNIA: California Division of Tourism, PO Box 1499, Sacramento, California 9581 2, Phone: (916) 322 2881, Fax: (916) 322 3402 http://gocalif.ca.gov.

COLORADO: Colorado Travel & Tourism Authority, PO. Box 3524, Englewood, Colorado 80155, Phone: (303) 296 3384, Fax: (303) 296 2015, http://www.colorado.com.

CONNECTICUT: Connecticut Office of Tourism, 865 Brook Street Rocky Hill, CT 06067, Phone: (860) 258 4355, Fax: (860) 258 427.

DELAWARE: Delaware Tourism Office, 99 Kings Highway, PO Box 1401 Dover, Delaware 19903, Phone: (302) 739 4271, Fax: (302) 739 5749.

DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA: Washington DC Convention & Visitors Association, 1212 New York Avenue NW, Washington, D.C. 20005, Phone: (202) 789 7000, Fax: (202) 789 7037, http://www.washington.org.

FLORIDA: Florida Division of Tourism, 107 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399, Phone: (904) 488 7598, Fax: (904) 487 0134.

HAWAII: Hawaii Visitors Bureau, Waikiki Business Plaza, Suite B01, 2270 Kalakaua Avenue, Honolulu, Hawaii 96B15, Phone: (808) 9231811, Fax: (808) 922 8991 http://www.hshawaii.com

IDAHO: Idaho Division of Tourism, 700 West State Sreet, Boise, Idaho 83720, Phone: (208) 334 2470, Fax: (208) 334 2631.

ILLINOIS: Illinois Bureau of Tourism, 100 West Randolph Street, Suite 3400, Chicago, Illinois 60601, Phone: (312) 814 4732, Fax: (312) 814 6175 http://www.enjoyillinois.com..

INDIANA: Indiana Tourism Division, One North Capitol Avenue, Suite 700, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204, Phone: (317) 232 8860, Fax: (317) 232 6887.

IOWA: Iowa Division of Tourism, 200 East Grand Avenue, Des Moines, Iowa 50309 Phone: (515) 242 4705 Fax: (515) 242 4749 http://www.state.ia.us, e-mail: kbowermaided.state.ia.us.

KANSAS: Kansas Travel and Tourism, 700 S.W. Harrison Street, Topeka, Kansas 66603, Phone: (913) 296 2009 Fax: (913) 296 6988.

KENTUCKY: Kentucky Dept. of Travel Development, Capitol Plaza Tower, 500 Mero Street, Frankfort, Kentucky 40601, Phone: (502) 564 4930, Fax: (502) 564 5695 http://www.state.ky.us/tour/tour html e-mail: travelmail.state.ky.us.

LOUISIANA: Louisiana Office of Tourism, PO Box 94291, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70804, Phone: (504) 342 8100, Fax: (504) 342 8390, http://www.nawlins.com.

MAINE: Maine Office of Tourism, 59 State House Station, Augusta, Maine 04333, Phone: (207) 623 0363, Fax: (207) 287 8070 http://www.state.me.us e-mail: sddjackstate.me.us.

MARYLAND: Maryland Office of Tourism, 217 East Redwood Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21202, Phone: (410) 333 6611, Fax: (410) 333 6643 http://www.mdisfun.org/.

MASSACHUSETTS: Massachusetts Office of Travel and Tourism 100 Cambridge Street, Boston, MA 02202, Phone: (617) 727 3201, Fax: (617) 727 6525 hnp://www.state.ma.us.

MICHIGAN: Michigan Travel Bureau P 0. Box 30226 Lansing, Michigan 48909 Phone: (517) 373 0670, Fax: (517) 373 0059 http://www.travel-michigan.state.us, e-mail: atwoodstate.mi.us

MINNESOTA: Minnesota Office of Tourism, 100 Metro Square, 121 East 7th Place, St. Paul, Minnesota 55101, Phone: (612) 296 5029 Fax: (612) 296 7095.

MISSISSIPPI: Mississippi Division of Tourism, PO. Box 849 Jackson Mississippi 39205 Phone: (601) 359 3297, Fax: (601) 359 5757.

MISSOURI: Missouri Division of Tourism, PO. Box 1055, Jefferson City, Missouri 65102, Phone: (573) 751 4133, Fax: (573) 7515160.

MONTANA: Travel Montana, PO. Box 7549 Missoula, Montana 59807, Phone: (406) 444 2654, Fax: (406) 728 5713, http://travel.mt.gov, e-mail: travelcounselor travel.mt.gov

NEBRASKA: Nebraska Division of Travel & Tourism, PO. Box 94666, 700 South 16th Street, Lincoln, Nebraska 68509, Phone: (402) 471 3796, Fax: (402) 4713026, http://www.ded.state.ne.us/tourismhtml, e-mail: tourism ded2.ded.state.ne.us

NEVADA: Nevada Tourism Commission 5151 S. Carson Street, Carson City Nevada 89710, Phone: (702) 687 4322, Fax: (702) 687 6779 http://travelnevada.com.

NEW HAMPSHIRE: New Hampshire Office of Travel and Tourism 172 Pembroke Road, Concord New Hampshire 03302, Phone: (603) 2712665, Fax: (603) 2716784, e-mail ottdnhded.mv.com.

NEW JERSEY: New Jersey Division of Travel and Tourism 20 West State Street Trenton, New Jersey 08625, Phone: (609) 292 2470, Fax: (609) 633 7418.

NEW MEXICO: New Mexico Department of Tourism, 491 Old Santa Fe Trail, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87503, Phone: (505) 827 7400, Fax: (505) 827 7402, http://www.newmexico.org, e-mail: enchantment.

NEW YORK: New York State Tourism, 633 Third Avenue New York, NY 10017, Phone: (212) 803 2200, Fax: (212) 803 2279

NORTH CAROLINA: North Carolina Travel and Tourism, 430 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611, Phone: (919) 733 4171, Fax: (919) 733 8582.

NORTH DAKOTA: North Dakota Tourism Department, 604 East Boulevard, Bismarck, North Dakota 58505, Phone: (701 ) 328 2525, Fax: (701) 328 4878 hnp://www.ndtourism.com, e-mail: msmail.phertz, @ranch.state.nd.us.

OHIO: Ohio Division of Travel and Tourism, PO Box 1001, Columbus, Ohio 43216, Phone: (614) 466 8844, Fax: (614) 466 6744 http://www.travel.state.oh.us, e-mail: rbarkerodod.ohio.gov.

OKLAHOMA: Oklahoma Department of Tourism, 15 North Robinson, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73102, Phone: (405) 521 3983, Fax: (405) 521 3992, http://www.otrd.state.ok.us

OREGON: Oregon Tourism Division, 775 Summer Street N. E., Salem, Oregon 97310, Phone: (503) 986 0000, Fax: (503) 986 0001.

PENNSYLVANIA: Pennsylvania Office of Tourism, 453 Forum Building, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120, Phone: (717) 787 5453, Fax: (717) 234 4560.

PUERTO RICO: Puerto Rico Tourism Company (PRTC), PO. Box 4435, San Juan, Puerto Rico 00902, Phone: (809) 7212400, Fax: (809) 725 4417.

SAMOA: See American Samoa.

SOUTH CAROLINA: South Carolina Division of Tourism, 1205 Pendleton Street, Columbia, South Carolina 29201, Phone: (803) 734 0129, Fax: (803) 7341163, http://www.prt.state.sc.us/sc.

SOUTH DAKOTA: South Dakota Dept. of Tourism, 711 E. Wells Avenue, Pierre South Dakota 57501, Phone: (605) 773 3301, Fax: (605) 773 3256.

TENNESSEE: Tennessee, Department of Tourism, PO. Box 23170, Nashville, Tennessee 37202, Phone: (615) 741 2159, Fax: (615) 7417225.

TEXAS: Texas Department of Commerce, Tourism Division, PO. Box 12728, Austin, Texas 78711, Phone: (512) 462 9191, Fax: (512) 936 0089, http://traveltex.com.

UTAH: Utah Travel Council Council Hall, Capitol Hill, Salt Lake City, Utah 84114, Phone: (801) 5381030, Fax: (801) 538 1399, http://www.utah.com e-mail: cedomain.cetravel.rakurzba email.state ut.us

VERMONT: Vermont Dept. of Travel and Tourism 134 State Street, Montpelier Vermont 0561, Phone: (802) 828 3237, Fax: (802) 828 3233, http://www.genghis.com/vermont/discoverhtm e-mail: dmuntagh, @gate.dca.state.vt.us

US VIRGIN ISLANDS: United States Virgin Islands, Charlotte Amailie, St. Thomas, Phone: (809) 774 8784, Fax: (809) 774 4390.

VIRGINIA: Virginia Division of Tourism 901 East Byrd Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219, Phone: (804) 786 2051, Fax: (804) 786 1919, http://www.virginia.org.

WASHINGTON STATE: Washington State Tourism PO Box 42500, Olympia, Washington 98504, Phone: (360) 586 2088, Fax: (360) 753 4470 http://www tourism.wa.gov.

WEST VIRGINIA: West Virginia Division of Tourism, 2101 Washington Street East, Charleston, West Virginia 25305,

WISCONSIN: Wisconsin Division ot Tourism 123 West Washington Ave PO. Box 7970, Madison, Phone: (608) 266 2161, http://badger.statewi.us/agencies/tourism.

WYOMING: Wyoming Travel Commission, l-25 & College Drive Exit, Cheyenne, Wyoming, 82002, Phone: (30) 777 7777, Fax: (307) 777 6904, http://www.state.wy.us/welcome.html.

We have been able to publish the present tourist information on the USA thanks to the co-operation of the American Embassy in London.