"154 suites, each at the price of
any other normal hotel room"

The Nairobi Safari Club welcomes the business visitor and holiday adventurer into Kenya, and its appealing safari country; a land on the Equator in East Africa, famous for its thriving business capital city; and truly remarkable for its enormous concentrations of wildlife, in some of the most spectacular natural surroundings in this world.

Spectacular; in the sense that the Government has ensured protection of the great domains of National Parks and Game Reserves; these beautiful awe inspiring areas in which live a magnificent variety of animal species; that weave their varied seasonal patterns of annual migration.

Nairobi, the magic land's capital city; is the arrival, start, relaxing mid break off point, finishing point and departure of any visitor's undertaking for any length of "safari", a word that spells the thrilling expectations of adventure.

In fact "breathtaking adventure", into a vast land which weaves a continuous new world with each dawn, as the visitor takes in the magic of "The Great Rift Valley", and the attractions of the captivating animal kingdoms of "Amboselli", "Mount Kenya", "Samburu", "Aberdare", "Lake Nakuru", "Tsavo" and above all the added further magic of the "Maasai Mara" which forms the northern part of the "Serengeti Game Reserve" and its magnetic captivating annual wildlife migration.

However lengthy or taxing a tailored or custom-made "safari" may be, the visitor is guaranteed the "arrival", "mid-journey relaxing break" and "departure relaxation" luxury accommodation of the "Nairobi Safari Club".

The city's only international five star hotel which offers the visitor, the excursion luxury base of "prestigious suites" for the price of lesser other city hotel accommodation rooms; or any other traditional concept of international basic room accommodation.

A "home away from home luxury" which has in time become a necessity in the city to complement that old time tented safari accommodation which Hemmingway's novels highlighted, to weave the magic setting for those past enthralling films "Where No Vultures Fly", "Mogambo", "Snows of Kilimanjaro" and most recently, "Born free" and "Out of Africa" which captivated a world audience.

"Nairobi Safari Club" is and will remain the city's unchallenged flavour of "suite accommodation luxury base" to satisfy the business visitor, safari adventurer, as well as the superior needs of comfortable venue for any International Meeting, Conference setting, or Incentive Tour Programme offers.

"Karibu" - Welcome; to our world of comfort and luxury; and Kenya's enthralling wildlife safari paradise.

Further information
Situated: at corner of junction of Koinange Street and University Way.
Mailing Address: P O Box 43564, Nairobi, Kenya.
Telephone: 254-2-251333, Fax: 254-2-224625
E-mail: nsclub@users.africaonline.co.ke
or: reservations made through any UTELL
International office:
North America 1-800 44, France (33-1) 4897 1644, Germany (49-89) 554371, UK (4471) 413 8881, South Africa (27-11) 3312672 and UTELL Central Reservations office London Fax Nos: 0171-413-8883 and 0181-995-2474 or check your UTELL local listing.or:
Direct enquiry of your own Travel Agent

Editorial Feature
Kenya Tourist Information