With Easy Travel Tours Ltd ...

... tour Tanzania for your wildlife safaris of ...

... the Northern Circuit - Serengeti National Park, Ngorongoro Crater, Lake Manyara, Tarangire National Park and Arusha National Park.

For mountain climbing ...

... Mt. Kilimanjaro (highest snowcapped peak in Africa 5895 metres high) - with five different option routes to choose from, ie, the normal Marangu route (five or six days), the famous Machame route (six days), the technical route of Shira (seven to eight days), Umbwe (five days), Mweka (four days) and Rongai routes (six days). Or climbing Mt. Meru (near Arusha Park) 4566 metres high - three days trek (or an optional four days).

With additional excursions ...

... to Zanzibar - the magic island of beach holidays, with pre-tours of the Stone Town, city tour and spice tour, and nearby island tours.

With easy connections ...

... by speed boat, or schedule charters of extended tours to the Mafia and Pemba Island.

Water sports include scuba diving, snorkelling and daily speedboat transit between Dar-es-salaam and Zanzibar. Dep: 0700hrs,0800hrs,1000hrs,1300hrs,1600hrs.

Or explore ...

... the Tanzania South Selous Game Reserve - new destination of nature tours for walking, boating and game drive activities, staying at the Rufiji River Camp, Mbuyu Safari Camp, or Mbuyuni Luxury Tented Camp. Both single and return tours are organised by schedule charters, by road and by train.

With an additional extension to Ruaha National Park - the ultimate dream of Africa, where rocks balance at a strange angle to form Kopjes. Mikumi National Park or Bagamoyo from Dar-es-Salaam are best for day trips or longer stay excursions.

Not forgetting ...

... Gombe and Mahale - four day itinerary from your only rare chimpanzee trekking experience, twice a week from Dar, Monday and Friday on route at the Aqua Lodge or Kigoma Hill Top Hotel.

Northern circuit - itinerary from our brochure range, with the option to choose a two to seven day break best spent at ETL (lodge safari)/ETC (budget camping safaris - moderate standard) 501 to 515.

Information on the northern parks

Serengeti National Parks - the place to see seemingly endless herds of wildebeest and zebras trekking across the plains on their annual migration - followed by the predators, ie, lions, cheetahs, hyenas etc.

Ngorongoro - 'The Cradle of Mankind' - where remains of the earliest humans were discovered at Olduvai Gorge and your wildlife highlight is the Ngorongoro Crater - 610 metres deep, the largest in the world. This is your only chance to see the rhinos and an abundance of other animals all year round.

Lake Manyara National Park - an area of distinctive vegetation zones, with extensive marshland along the Rift Valley wall and Parklands. It is scattered with acacia trees, and it is your only park with rare tree climbing lions.

Tarangire National Park - a comparison to the Serengeti, its wildlife population hosting numerous elephants, with migrating wildebeest, zebras and other antelopes.

Arusha National Park - the beautiful 'Scenic Park' is the closest park from Arusha Town, with the Ngurdoto Crater and a variety of water birds around Momella lakes, as well as many animals - the black and white colobus monkey is a rare attraction. Mt. Meru (4566 metres) is climbed from here, where as in the distance you can see Mt. Kilimanjaro (5895 metres), the highest snowcapped peak in Africa.

Choice of lodgings

Tahi units (middle-class category) - Lake Manyara Hotel, Ngorongoro Wildlife Lodge, Seronera Wildlife Lodge, Lobo Wildlife Lodge.

Luxury permanent camps - Olivers Camp, Maji Moto Camp, Grumeti Camp, Kirawira Camp, Klains Camp.

Luxury up class lodges - Lake Manyara Serena Lodge, Ngorongoro Serena Lodge, Ngorongoro Sopa Lodge, Serengeti Serena Lodge, Serengeti Sopa Lodge, Tarangire Sopa Lodge, Ngorongoro Crater Lodge.

Private lodges - Gibb's Farm Lodge, Kifaru Lodge, Kirurumo Tented Lodge, Ndutu Safari Lodge, Tarangire Safari Lodge, Momella Game Lodge, Meru View Lodge, Mount Meru Game Lodge, Dik Dik Hotel, Mountain Village Lodge.

Private permanent camps - Fort Ikoma Camp, Lake Natron camp, Migunga Camp.

We enjoy offering both lodges/camps, never missing the opportunity to provide you with a private lodge (smaller cosy place) for your pleasant recreation after a safari or a long game drive.

Campsites for budget campers

Outside Parks -

  • Tarangire: Kigongoni or Elephant Camp
  • Manyara: Twiga or Jambo Camp
  • near Ngorongoro: Kudu or Doffa camp
  • inside Park Ngorongoro Crater Rim: Simba Camp
  • Serengeti: Seronera Camp

Camp facilities
Provided - igloo tents for two; two thick ground mattresses; bed sheets; pillows; table and canvas folding stools; three meals prepared by our own cook accompanying the tour.
Not provided: shower tent; toilet; sleeping bag.

Arusha Town - accomodation Novotel Mt. Meru, Impala Hotel, L Oasis Hotel (11 bedroom), Le Jacaranda Hotel (five bedroom), New Arusha Hotel, Arusha Resort Centre, Ilboru Safari Lodge.

Near Arusha Town on route to Kilimanjaro Airport is Meru View Lodge, Mt. Meru Game Lodge, Mt. Village Lodge, Dik Dik Hotel, Ngaresero Lodge.

Charter schedules

Due to poor road conditions, strong emphasis is now placed on flying at least one way either to/from the parks.

There are up to two flights a day to/from the parks:

  • Arusha Airport to Manyara - US$60 per person
  • Arusha to Serengeti - US$135 per person

Daily direct connection:

Arusha (vice versa)

  • (i) To Tanzania South - Selous Park US$231 per person.
  • (ii)To Zanzibar - US$150 per person

Connection five times a week:

  • Nairobi to Kilimanjaro (vice versa) - Air Kenya US$150 per person
  • Regional Air connection to Arusha Airport - US$30 per person, with onward connection to the parks.

Bus schedules:

  • Connection: for daily services Shuttle Bus 25 seater to/from Arusha/ Nairobi
    Dep: 0800hrs and 1400hrs. - US$20 per person
  • Luxury coach to/from Arusha/DAR
    Dep: 0700hrs, 0800hrs, 0900hrs, 1000hrs - US$20 per person

Enjoy the best with our safari vehicles - choice of a four wheel drive

  • Landrover 110 - TDI defenders pop up roof with five to six seats, each with HF radio installation
  • Landcruiser - pop up roof four wheel drive, all driven by knowledgeable English-speaking drivers cum guides

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