
Stockholm. Even the name sounds beautiful. Where else can you walk down the steps of a Royal Palace and fish for salmon in the middle of a modern city with foundations as far back as the year 1200. A mythical city of Vikings, conquest and lore. A technologically leading-edge metropolis where IT is second nature. Congress in Stockholm. Sounds tempting.

Stockholm has long been host to international congresses and exhibitions. Known for an astute ability to organise and carry out events on a professional level, Stockholmers pride themselves on quality and dependability. Quite simply, things work the way they should or better. Maybe that's why so many international concert tours start in this cosmopolitan Nordic capital. The city hosted the 1912 Summer Olympics and is bidding for the Games in 2004.

When it comes to world-class events, Stockholm is second to none. Since 1901 the prestigious Nobel prizes have been presented here each 10th December to the elite of the world's scientific and cultural communities. Starting with the awards ceremony in Stockholm's Concert Hall, laureates receive their prize from the hands of His Majesty the King Carl Gustaf the XVI. Special buses then whisk hundreds of guests away to the beautiful Stadshuset, Stockholm's City Hall, for banqueting and other festivities. An event planned and organised in the greatest of detail. A once-in-a-lifetime experience executed with meticulous precision year after year. That's Stockholm.

There are plenty of other reasons why Stockholm is chosen so often to host the world. Accessibility is just one. Arlanda Airport is only 25 minutes away from the heart of the city and a regular destination for many of the world's leading airlines. It ranks no. 6 in Europe for activity. Within the city no place is far. A modern mass transit system makes getting around the city fast and easy thanks to its underground system and bus lines.

Beauty is another 'word which aptly describes Stockholm. The City is built on many small islands creating an awe-inspiring combination of nature and exquisite architecture. Environment is something every Stockholmer is acutely aware of and Stockholm can boast the cleanest waters of any European city. People are health-minded and jogging paths are plentiful... as well as walking paths. The Stockholm Archipelago is recognised as one of the most beautiful areas in the world with its more than 24,000 individual islands. Each year for 10 days in August, the Water Festival is held to celebrate the purity of the city's water. More than 3 million people attend over 1,000 events, many of which are free of charge. The festival culminates in the awarding of the coveted Stockholm Water Prize established to help save the fresh waters of the world.

Quality and service are key words to consider when planning a congress or meeting of any size. Concepts which Stockholm is proud of.

Local hotels maintain high standards of quality in every price category with more than 35,000 beds available as well as over 200 meeting facilities in the city for anything from 2 to 12,000 participants. Stockholm is known for its ability to handle large international events in a personal way. Communication is not a lost art. Most people speak English with ease. Per capita, there are more computers here than almost anywhere else in the world. Sweden is a country which prides itself on its technology - and its heritage.

A visitor in Stockholm would be remiss not to take advantage of the many fascinating things to see. No matter what the interest, there's something for everyone. Museums and theatres abound, not to mention shopping. The Royal Palace is one of the largest in Europe.

One site not to miss is the Vasa. The pride of the Swedish Fleet - or at least it was in 1628 until it sank. In 1961, the ship was recovered from its watery grave and an extensive restoration was begun which has now culminated in perhaps the greatest example of 17th-century ship-building in existence today. It serves as an incredible museum of the life and times of Stockholm in the 1600s. In addition the Old Town is perhaps one of the best preserved examples of a medieval core-city in the world.

The Smorgasbord is without a doubt one of the greatest gastronomical contributions to modern mankind. A table which seemingly goes on forever and is filled with more Scandinavian delicacies than one could possibly eat. But the City offers other cuisine as well. Everything from TexMex to Kosher pickles with over 700 restaurants to choose from. The night life of Stockholm never sleeps with the best in opera, ballet, jazz, clubs, rock concerts, nightclubs and pubs. All geared to suit any taste.

Stockholm has the same latitude as Anchorage, Alaska, yet enjoys a mild climate. Contrary to belief, there are no polar bears roaming the streets.

This is a city of four seasons where the summers are beautiful with plenty of sunshine, the autumn colours extraordinary and the winters wonderful. Springtime virtually explodes with life anew.

Stockholm's universities and research centres, of which The Karolinska Institute is the most well-known, are home to some of the world's finest researchers and doctors. Discoveries made here have touched the lives of countless people around the world.

Swedish industrial contributions to the world include dynamite, the propeller, the adjustable wrench, the three-way safety belt, the zipper and the Coke bottle design. Not bad for a population of only 8.8 million.

Planning a congress takes time, money and experience. Congress Stockholm can help with not only advice but with pre-financial solutions as well. The City offers a financial programme designed to get things rolling and staying on track. There's no substitute for experience and Stockholm has plenty of it. When you've made Stockholm your choice, you've made the right choice.

For free information and further assistance with your next meeting please contact us.


Box 7542, SE-103 93 Stockholm, Sweden.
Phone +46 8 789 2400. Fax +46 8 789 2445.
E-mail: congress@stoinfo.se

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