Basic Macroeconomic Indicators of Belarus (1992-1996)

PeriodsGDPProducer price index Consumer price index Real per capita money income
Corresponding period of previous year =100 Corresponding period of previous year =100 Corresponding period of previous year =100Previous period =100
1992 902430.0 l 070.8 80
1993921640.0 1290.2115
199487 2270.0 2321.091
199590600.0 809.3 74

PeriodsUnemployment Budget deficit Import volume Export volume
% of economically active population % of GDP mln. US$ mln. USS
19920.5 2.0 3494.8 3558.7
1993 1.45.6 2231.7 1863.9
19963.9 1.96947.9 5604.8

Structure of industries*

As a whole1996
1. Industrial manufacture53.4
2. Consumer goods manufacture21.6
3. Agriculture21.2
4. Services3.8

Export of Major Products (1996)

% of
1. Lorries (thsd) 6.8 67.7
2. Tractors (thsd.) 16.0 71.3
3. Metal-cutting machine tools (tsd) 2.7 63.3
4. Tyres (thsd.) 92652.2
5. Potassium fertilizers (thsd tons) 205381.0
6. Wood-fibre boards (bill sq m ) 13.7 48.4
7. Flax fibre (thsd tons) 18.742.5
8. Household refrigerators (thsd) 502 72.3
9. TV sets (thsd) 140 52.7
10. Bicycles (thsd) 11239.4

Import of Major Products (1996) *

  % of Consumption
1. Oil10.187.8
2. Natural Gas12.9100
3. Coal (tsd tons)736.6100
4. Electric power (bill kWh)7.6 26.2
5. Rolled ferrous metal (thsd tons) 58580.7
6. Soda ash (thsd tons) 45.2 100
7. Caustic soda (thsd. tons) 30.7100
8. Vegetable oils (thsd tons) 56.9 89.1
9. Sugar (thsd tons) 183.552.3

* according to the Ministry of Statistics of the Republic of Belarus

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