As indicated by its name, Banca Turco Romana (BTR) is the result of a Turkish-Romanian partnership. It is aware of a new, promising dynamism previously hindered by the Eastern European imbalance and the continuouslly growing economy covering the area from the Middle East to Europe. The bank knows that getting organised is currently the priority, the this company was founded to work in this field by Bayindir Holding ( with an 80% share and Banca Comerciala Romana with a 20% share. The aim is to make effective use of the expanding potential Romania has on national and international platforms.

BTR provides all kinds of financial services. Along with the commercial banking activities it has carried out since its inception in May 1994, it operates in the fields of investment consultancy for domestic and foreign investors, project development and analysis. It has the necessary infrastructure and the qualified staff to serve as a consultant on privatisation. It also has partnerships in other groups of institutions handling leasing and insurance transactions.

BTR's staff consists of top experts selected meticulously. The executives have a wealth of know-how and experience in their fields. Moreover, it has periodical training organised by DC Gardner and its auditing is carried out by Coopers & Lybrand, a specialist firm known worldwide.

BTR is expanding in line with its fields of activity. The bank knows that expanding is a must in the 'Finance' business. For this reason, it is enlarging its staff and opening new branches. In November 1995, Constanta Branch started its activities, followed by Timisoara Branch in February, and Izvor Branch in September 1996, connected real-time on-line to each other. In 1997 the expansion will continue with Galati, Iasi, Brasov and Cluj branches.

The establishment of the Romanian Stock Exchange enabled the bank to attain another objective, which is to render services like brokerage, cooperation with the world's other stock markets, portfolio management and project financing.

Levent YURUKOGLU - president
Cristian DUMITRESCU - vice president (Treasury & International Dept.)
Figen YALCINKAYA - vice president (Branches)
Murat KONCAVAR - vice president (Loans)

Raluca DRAGUSIN - Administration and Human Resources
Aristide CIOFLAN - Accounting
Constantin VINULESCU - Treasury
Sinan CULHA - Internal Audit
Resul CHIANI - Constanza Branch
Emil ESANU - Timisoara Branch
Constantin DEGERATU - Izvor Branch

Main Branch : 40 (1) 312 6580, 312 2454, 311 1338, 312 3370, Fax: 311 1732
Constanta: 40 (41) 613 230, 613 250, Fax : 613 990
Timisoara: 40 (56) 199 731, 199 732, Fax: 199 741
Izvor: 40 (1) 335 5403, 335 5520, Fax : 335 5600

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