Proposals for Treaty amendments

The present Intergovernmental Conference has been convened to review the Treaty framework of the European Union in readiness for enlargement.

The Council of European Municipalities and Regions, as the representative organisation for local and regional government in Europe, believes that sub-national government has a vital role to play in enabling a future Europe to advance with the confidence of its people. It also firmly supports consolidation of the various Treaties into one much clearer text which defines fundamental rights, the EU's objectives, its institutions and the competencies of the institutions.

The IGC must enshrine in the Treaty clear recognition of the role which local and regional authorities must play as the level of government closest to the citizen. The EU is founded on common values including democracy and respect for diversity. By encouraging active partnership of European Union, Member State and local and regional government, this round of Treaty reform can promote proximity of decision-making to the people those decisions affect. This in turn fosters lively and democratic participation.

As a result, this document sets out a number of small amendments to the EU Treaty which would contribute to CEMR's vision of genuine partnership across the various levels of government. They reflect the objectives contained in the Valencia Appeal, launched by CEMR, which was signed in 1996 by over 2,500 mayors and political leaders of cities, municipalities and regions.


Existing Treaty text Proposed amended text
Article F(1): Add to Article F(1):
1. The Union shall respect the national identities of its Member States, whose systems of government are founded on the principles of democracy. The right of local authorities and groups of local authorities to regulate all affairs of the local community on their own responsibility and to have a representative assembly elected by the people shall be guaranteed within the limits laid down in the Charter of Local Self-Government of the Council of Europe and by the constitutional traditions of the Member States.


Article F sets out some of the basic guidelines and limits on EU spheres of activity. The Council of Europe's European Charter of Local Self-Government already recognises that many areas of public affairs are properly administered at local or regional level. A Treaty reference to this principle would be an important means of affirming the wish of sub-national government to be recognised as a genuine player in decision-making across Europe. Other amendments will develop a form of partnership building on the right to local government acknowledged here.

In the context of enlargement, this amendment establishes the high standard of participative democracy which applicant countries must achieve and maintain to become members of the EU.


Existing Treaty text Proposed amended text
Article 145Add to the end of Article 145
To ensure that the objectives set out in this Treaty are attained the Council shall, in accordance with the provision of this Treaty: While the Council acts in a legislative capacity, the results of votes and explanations of vote as well as statements in the minutes shall be made public.
Article 189: Add to Article 189:
In order to carry out their task and in accordance with the provisions of this Treaty, the European Parliament acting jointly with the Council, the Council and the Commission shall make regulations and issue directives, take decisions, make recommendations or deliver opinions. Decision making in the Union shall be conducted in accordance with the principle of transparency under which the background information to all decisions shall be made public unless there are compelling reasons on grounds of privacy, security or commercial confidentiality.

Declaration 17 of the Final Act of the Maastricht Treaty considered that a transparent decision-making process strengthens both the democratic nature of the institutions and public confidence in administration. A Treaty requirement has far greater force than a non-binding declaration. Good public access to information is thus a key component of strengthening the concept of European citizenship. A Treaty level requirement for public access to the background information to all decisions will greatly promote public confidence in decisions as well as make clear that due regard has been given to the principle of subsidiarity.


Existing Treaty text Proposed amended text
Article 3b: Amend Article 3b as follows:
In areas which do not fall within its exclusive competence, the Community shall take action, in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity, only if and in so far as the objectives of the proposed action cannot be sufficiently achieved by the Member States and can therefore, by reason of the scale or effects of the proposed action, be better achieved by the Community. In areas which do not fall within its exclusive competence, the Community shall take action, in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity, only if and in so far as the objectives of the proposed action cannot be sufficiently achieved by the Member States or by local and regional authorities in each Member State and can therefore, by reason of the scale or effects of the proposed action, be better achieved by the Community.

Subsidiarity is the key to ensuring the efficiency and proximity of EU activity. As the principle applies under the current Treaty, it requires that the EU acts where a policy based on cooperation between Member States genuinely gives an extra dimension that could not be achieved by national governments acting alone. This amendment would clarify that the application of the subsidiarity principle should also recognise and safeguard the large amount of public policy work which is rightly carried out at local and regional level. While CEMR's preference is for an amendment to Article 3b, a protocol on subsidiarity which gave appropriate recognition to local and regional government and which introduced the principles laid down in the Council of Europe's Charter on Local Self-Government would find support from authorities across Europe.


Existing Treaty text Proposed amended text
Article A (i) Add to the end of Article A
This Treaty marks a new stage in the process of creating an ever closer union among the peoples of Europe, in which decisions are taken as closely as possible to the citizen.The objectives of the Union shall be achieved by a partnership between the European Community, the Member States and the competent, elected local and regional authorities in each Member State.
(The Union's) task shall be to organise, in a manner demonstrating consistency and solidarity, relations between the Member States and between their peoples.

Article 74 (Transport)
Article 128 (Culture)
Article 129 (Public Health)
Article 129a (Consumer Protection)
Article 129d (Trans European Networks)
Article 130s (Environment)
Article 126 (Education)
Article 127 (Vocational Training)

(ii) Add to Articles 74 (Transport), Article 128 (Culture), 129 (Public Health), 129a (Consumer Protection), 129d (Trans European Networks), 130s (Environment), 126 (Education) and 127 (Vocational Training):

The Community shall act in partnership with the Member States and the competent elected local and regional authorities in accordance with the constitutional and legal arrangements in each Member State.


European policies in many areas increasingly affect local and regional government. This was recognised by the creation of the Committee of the Regions in the Maastricht Treaty. But local and regional government must systematically be seen as a partner, with the Member States, in any policy initiative which affects its activities or structure. In reality many European policies require cooperation with local authorities. This amendment would help to ensure that local interests were fully taken into account, for example, when assessing the burdens of implementation and that, where expertise resides at sub-national level, this expertise is fully harnessed in implementation. Partnership with sub-national administrations would also contribute substantially to bringing European Union decisions closer to the citizens of Europe.


Existing Treaty text Proposed amended text
Article F(3) Add to the end of Article F(3)
The Union shall provide itself with the means necessary to attain its objectives and carry through its policies. To this end proposals for legislation shall be accompanied by an assessment of the financial implications for the Union, the Member States and the local and regional authorities.

Local and regional authorities are key partners in enforcing and carrying out European policy and legislation. Compliance imposes financial burdens. This amendment lays down a requirement for the prior analysis of the Union's, Member States' and sub-national government's ability to meet the financial consequences of proposed EU legislation.


Existing Treaty text Proposed amended text
Article 130aAdd at end of Article 130a
In order to promote its overall harmonious development, the Community shall develop and pursue its actions leading to the strengthening of its economic and social cohesion.

In particular, the Community shall aim at reducing disparities between the levels of development of the various regions and the backwardness of the least-favoured regions, including rural areas.

The definition and implementation of actions under this Title shall be carried out by the Community acting in partnership with the Member States and the competent elected local and regional authorities designated by the Member States.

At present the partnership principle applies to some, but not all cohesion instruments. Application of the partnership principle in the administration of the Structural Funds has been effective in bringing local expertise to the shape of programmes. True partnership also serves the objectives of cohesion policy by putting in place effective structures to enhance the competitiveness of regions and so the overall prosperity of the EU. This amendment would be in the best interest of all players : EU, member States, local and regional authorities and public, private and voluntary sector partners in regional development.


Existing Treaty text Proposed amended text
Article 4.2 Amend Article 4.2 as follows:
The Council and the Commission shall be assisted by an Economic and Social Committee and a Committee of the Regions acting in an advisory capacity. The Council, the European Parliament and the Commission shall be assisted by an Economic and Social Committee and a Committee of the Regions acting in an advisory capacity.
Article 198a Amend Article 198a as follows:
A Committee consisting of representatives of regional and local bodies, hereinafter referred to as 'the Committee of the Regions', is hereby established with advisory status. A Committee consisting of representatives who shall be chosen from among holders of a local or regional authority electoral mandate or of a mandate as a person politically responsible to an elected local or regional body, hereinafter referred to as "the Committee of the Regions", is hereby established with advisory status.

A member losing such a mandate shall not continue as a member of the Committee for longer than six months.

Article 198b Amend Article 198b as follows :
It shall adopt its rules of procedure and shall submit them to the Council for approval, acting unanimously.It shall adopt its rule of procedure.
Article 198cAmend Article 198c as follows :
The Committee of the Regions shall be consulted by the Council or by the Commission where this Treaty so provides and in all other cases in which one of these two institutions considers it appropriate. The Committee of the Regions shall be consulted by the Council, the European Parliament or by the Commission where this Treaty so provides and in all other cases in which one of these three institutions considers it appropriate.
The opinion of the Committee, together with a record of the proceedings, shall be forwarded to the Council and to the Commission.The opinion of the Committee, together with a record of the proceedings, shall be forwarded to the Council, to the European Parliament and to the Commission.
Protocol (No 16) on the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions Repeal Protocol 16.
The Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions shall have a common organisational structure.

These amendments aim to strengthen the Committee of the Regions by enhancing its powers and independence and guaranteeing its democratic legitimacy.

(i) powers: at present the Treaty only provides for the Committee of the Regions' consultative role to involve it advising the Commission and the Council. No mention is made of the European Parliament. In the interests of a tighter and more efficient institutional structure, as well as a freer flow of information, a simple Treaty amendment should ensure that all Committee of the Regions Opinions are routinely sent to the Parliament. The amendment also provides for the Parliament to consult the Committee of the Regions so that the Parliament can draw on direct experience of local and regional government as the need arises;

(ii) democratic legitimacy: the Maastricht Treaty does not require that the Members of the Committee of the Regions should be elected members of a local or regional authority. In practice, all countries have nominated Members with an elected mandate and in some Member States, this principle is reinforced by national legislation. However, CEMR believes that this issue needs to be resolved at Treaty level. A simple Treaty revision would also clarify that Members should resign from the Committee if they lose their elected mandate. This is vital if the Committee is to function properly as a democratically credible component of the decision-making process. The amendment proposes a six-month period of grace for Members losing a mandate in order to allow them to complete on-going work ;

(iii) independence: Protocol 16 of the Treaty provides that the Committee of the Regions should share a common administrative structure with the Economic and Social Committee. The link was helpful in allowing CoR to develop quickly, but it now gives no operational benefit. Indeed, Members' experience is that the Committee's efficiency is impaired by this administrative link.


If the proposal to amend Article F (1) with a reference to the Council of Europe's European Charter of Local Self-Government were not to be accepted, CEMR suggests replacing Protocol 16 with a new text containing a statement of the right to local self-government as well as the mandate requirement on CoR Members. If this replacement Protocol was acceptable, it would be possible to drop the amendment to Article 198a, which addresses the electoral mandate of Members.

Draft replacement Protocol 16

THE HIGH CONTRACTING PARTIES, AWARE of the various responsibilities for implementing European policies delegated to regional and local authorities in the Member States.

RECOGNISING that local self-government forms part of the common European heritage of democratic values.

HAVE AGREED upon the following provisions which shall be attached to the Treaty on European Union:

1. Members appointed to the Committee of the Regions shall be chosen from among holders of a local or regional authority electoral mandate or of a mandate as a person politically responsible to an elected local or regional body. A member losing such a mandate shall not continue as a member of the Committee for longer than six months.

2. The community shall respect fundamental rights, as guaranteed by the Charter of Local Self-Government of the Council of Europe, and as they result from the constitutional traditions of the Member States.


Existing Treaty text Proposed amended text
Article 6 : Add new Article 6a:
Within the scope of application of this Treaty, and without prejudice to any special provisions contained therein, any discrimination on grounds of nationality shall be prohibited.

The Council, acting in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 189c, may adopt rules designed to prohibit such discrimination.

Without prejudice to the other provisions of this Treaty and within the limits of the powers conferred by it upon the Community, the Council, acting unanimously on a proposal from the Commission and after consulting the European Parliament, may take appropriate action to combat discrimination based on sex, racial or ethnic origin or religious belief.

Through their various areas of activity and competence, local and regional authorities are actively involved in promoting the policy of non-discrimination. Citizens exercising the freedom of movement guaranteed in the EU should benefit from the same protection from discrimination in all member states.


Existing Treaty text Proposed amended text
Preamble - paragraph 3 : Amend paragraph 3 as follows:
Confirming their attachment to the principles of liberty, democracy and respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms and of the rule of law. Confirming their attachment to the principles of liberty, democracy and respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, equal opportunities between women and men and of the rule of law.
Article 3 : Add to the end of Article 3 :
For the purposes set out in Article 2, the activities of the Community shall include, as provided in this Treaty and in accordance with the timetable set out therein : In all the activities referred to in this Article, the Community shall aim to eliminate inequalities and to promote equality between men and women.
Article 119 - paragraph 1 :Amend Article 119 as follows :
Each Member State shall during the first stage ensure and subsequently maintain the application of the principle that men and women should receive equal pay for equal work. Each Member State shall ensure the application of the principle that men and women should receive equal pay for work of an equal value.

It is irrefutable that there remains a large gap between the law and the realities in the area of equal opportunities between men and women. Community legislative work must be intensified in this domain. CEMR believes that the principle of equal opportunities should be included in the preamble of the Treaty and that it be recognised as an integral part of Community law. Introducing a specific reference to this principle under Article 3 would also reinforce CEMR's aim of modifying the Treaty in order to eliminate all discrimination based on gender.

Article 119 of the European Union Treaty has undeniably contributed to the promotion of women within the European Union and is used as a foundation which other legislative measures are based upon. CEMR believes that it should be modified to affirm the application of the principle of equal pay and social protection between men and women performing work of an equal value.


The amendments presented here translate into Treaty text form a series of strategic objectives agreed by CEMR's Policy Committee of elected representatives from local and regional authorities across Europe.

CEMR believes that these amendments would make an important contribution to improving the efficiency of the EU by providing a clearer role for sub-national government in policy development and administration. The amendments further would enhance the transparency and proximity of European decision-making. CEMR puts forward its amendments as a means of bringing European decisions closer to the citizen and ensuring that an enlarged EU is built on a firm base confidentially supported by the people of Europe.


Latest update 21.5.97